I have had a lot going on since the last time I wrote. My life has changed so much in just a matter of a few weeks. I let go of one life and started a new one. I walked out of the only life I had known for the last thirteen years so that I could find out who I was. I didn't know me without him. Who was this person who cared so much about what others thought that she would not only lie to her best friend but to herself about how she truly felt. Since walking away I have found a big piece of what was missing. My heart was just in the wrong place all those years. I hope that the people I hurt will some day forgive me but to find my happiness was worth the wait and the heart ache. I will not cry again or feel lonely again. My life has started once more and this time I will love who the hell ever I want. I will live the life that was meant to be mine. I will be happy. I am happy. Thank you to my heart for showing me the light.