Monday, December 3, 2012

Cat Rant

I have cats. I have always had cats. I do believe that they are the best pets. I love how they can take care of themselves but the they choose to let us take care of them. I have three. Two 4 year old boys and one 2 year old girl. My little girl just got fixed. Poor little thing has had to be stuck in the room with me for almost two weeks. Soon she can join her brothers and be happy again. I felt so bad when we brought her home and she didn't want to eat or drink water. All she wanted to do was sleep. I know that it is for the better that she got fixed but it doesn't stop me from feeling bad about it. I can not believe that there are people out there that would hurt such sweet animals or any animal for that matter. As humans we need to take care of the animals around us. People treat animals meant for food better then those meant as pets. How could they. Humans are the reasons that they are pets in the first place. If your not going to take care of it then don't bring it into your house. Most cats and dogs that live on the streets were at some point someones pet. What the hell people. Of course they cost money, of course you have to take care of them. If you were not ready for that then you should never have taken them home in the first place. I look at my little cats and I cry thinking of all the animals that have to be outside and uncared for just because some asshole didn't think ahead. What a dick move. Poor things go hungry, get ran over, go to the pound, or just die from the elements. The pound can not even help for long because no one helps them. How much longer will people let this go on. We need to think before we do. If you have a pet please continue to love and care for them. If you don't, please think about it. There is nothing better then taking care of something. They return the love. Even cats. Most people think that only dogs are loyal and show love but cats do too. Mine jump on me when I get home from work and fight over me for attention. They are so cute. And on cold nights, I don't even need a heater because their all on the bed curled up with me. Please love and take care of what you have. They will love you back. I hope with all my heart that someday all animals will have a home. Good night little ones. Someone in the world loves you.

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