Saturday, December 14, 2013

Long Time No Write

I have not written in some time and I fell really bad about it. I don't really like to complain about things, even though that seems like all I do, and everything that has been going on has been one complaint after another. I can hardly think of one nice thing to say. I try very hard at the only job that I could get. I am not looking to stay there forever but I am glad that I could stay there as long as I have and I do hope that I can stay there until I find something else. Most of the people are nice and some of them seem to be okay with my weird personally. I have a very hard time fitting in with people but some of the people that I work with have gone out of their way to make me feel at home. I really hope that they can continue to work there until they find something better for them too.
I moved to a different place. Even if it is in the same town, I hate moving. I have some really heavy things and not so many people to help. There were a few people that showed up they were a big help but too much stuff! I never ever want to move again. Our new apartment is very nice. We are very happy here. My cats love it too. They get to run around so much. Its so cute.
I am working on a story. I am always working on a story. I have been working on stories for years. I can never seem to finish anything. When I was in school, I could come up with anything. I had so many ideas that I couldn't get through the day without writing something down. Now it takes me forever just to come up idea. I haven't been able to finish a story in so long that I am starting to believe that I lost it. I will never give up. I will never stop. I have a story to tell. I may not know what it is but it is there. It will be told.
Lets all hope that the future is bright and that we can all reach the starts that we dream of.
Thank you for your time.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Just talking

I have no idea why I haven't been writing. It could have been the lack of internet, but it could also have been that I have been afraid to talk about a few things that have been going on. I am not sure if there are things that I really want to put out there. After thinking about it for some it, I have decided that most of my life is already online so why not put more. I googled myself the other day and found so much about me. I have no clue how it all got there. Now I'm not sure I care. There are no videos, nude pictures, or even any bad stories. Just info that's not even that important.
So live has been going on. I have made some new friends at a new job. I don't really like my job all that much, but being able to work with some of the people that are there, makes it a little easier. I have been thinking a lot about what I want in life. And before people start thinking that I am going to talk about marriage and babies, I will just put out there that I am happy and no amount of either of those things will make my life happier. I would just like a better job. Everyone does. I would like a car that works better. Everyone would. I would like to be smarter. A lot of people would like that too.
I am not different from anyone out there. I just put more out there for people to see. I am okay with it.
My sister is going to have more kids. Cool! The more she has, the less that mom talks to me about having some. Really. I mean it too. That is just sad. Most people would be okay with one or two but not my family. Why is it that people believe that they have to have so many kids. There are so many kids out there that need families because they don't have any. But that is a different rant. I am very happy for my sister. Its going to be hard, but just like the great big sister I have always been, I will be right there to help however I can.
Sometimes I wish that more people would ask me for help, but hardly anyone does. Someone told me that it was because no one believes that I can help. I just act like a kid and so no one thinks that I can be helpful. Well, that sucks. I'll have you know that I am great at helping. If I can't help, I will find a way for you to get help. Every person that has ever called themselves my friend (and I happen to agree) becomes my family. You all know who you are. Not every one, but most. I have a big heart and I love to take care of people.
Even if I don't write every day, I am thinking about writing every day. I love to put ideas and words out there.
Time for bed.
Nite nite

Thursday, June 27, 2013


all day i thought about how nothing is the way that i had hoped. i can't think of any reason why other then just the simple fact that sometimes life just doesn't go your way. i know that everyone has things that they want to be doing and some are. when i was younger i wanted to be so much more. i always said that i would be a writer. i would have a best seller and buy a big house and throw lots of parties. i can't even write a blog well. i was sitting up last night and thinking about it and came up with the only thing that makes since. i was never meant to be more then what i am. if i was meant to be something else then i would have talent. i have no talent. there is nothing that i am able to do well. while i was sitting there thinking about it the thought came into my head that maybe i should just stop trying. how can you write a best seller when your nothing. i know that there are people who have done it but that does not mean that we all can. how do you write a story when you can't even be a main character in your own life. i live for everyone but my self. most people write from their lives but when you have no life then what do you write. when you have no imagination left and you suck at writing. how do you tell a story. you can't. there is nothing but for you to admit defeat and move on. this just may be me admitting defeat. there is nothing left. my best stories are the lies that i tell myself to get to tomorrow. i dreamed about being able to stop writing and just move on. it was some what of a sweet dream. i always tell myself that i can do something. even when i know that i can't. raise a glass to the death of a dream and then smile because it was for the better. i know that my friend (who is the only person who reads this blog) will tell me that its fine and whatever i think is right but its kind of sad that even she knows that it is a lost cause. good night dreams. here's to hoping that maybe tomorrow will not have so many clouds.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Comments for the day

Sometimes I really do find it hard to believe that I started this blog. I have nothing to say most of the time and what I do have to say, means nothing. I have not written for some time because there has not really been anything to write about. Somethings you must still keep to yourself. What I can say is that there is more crap going on in my life then I would like. Another new job, another move, another head ache. I hate change more then anything. I like to stay in one place and make a home. I know that things change all the time and I do my best to deal with it, but that does not mean that I have to be happy with it. I can take change. I can work around it so that I can still do what needs to be done, but to be happy is one thing that I can not be.
I found that even if I do not like change, I do still like making friends. I talk to people all the time and look forward to meeting new people every day. I do not feel that new people are a bad change. Or even really a change at all. For a new person I do not have to change anything about myself. No one can get that from me. Unless your my boyfriend or best friend. These two people are the only ones that can get a real change out of me. I believe that people are the way that they are. If something new comes up they should just change the way that they look at it. Don't change yourself, just the way that you look at things. It is different even if it doesn't sound that way.
I was listening to a song by Vanessa Carlton ( love her ) and I have found that I use music sometimes to change my mood. If I go to work listening to my favorite song then my day starts off nice. If the last song that I heard was one that I hated then I start work with a dark cloud over head. I think I will listen to my favorite song every day. lol. I have two favorites going right now. "Say You Don't Want It" by One Night Only and "White Houses" by Vanessa Carlton. There are more great songs by these two, but these are my favorites. They always make me feel better.
Those are my comments for the day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Remembering the kiss

When you walked toward me on that bright day, I did not know what was going to happen. I did not know that my life would never again be mine alone. That my dreams would come second to yours. That my life would no longer have meaning without you. My heart does not beat until I hear yours beating beside it. I can not take a breath until I know that you have taken yours first. What kind of life have I come to. What have you done to me. I never knew that love could take your soul away, but it replaces it with something much deeper. I lost myself to you, but in return I have been given a much better life. To live for another is pure joy. To have your heart stolen and your body ache is heaven. I would not take that day back for anything in this world. You are my life, my joy, my everything.
I don't know why, but I had to write that down. This is how I feel about the man sleeping beside me. I hope that every person in the world could find a love like mine. My old dreams may be gone, but they have been replaced with much better dreams. Dreams of living a life with the man who has become my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. I wish every person that I know luck with finding their future dreams. And to those who already have theirs, thank you for showing me how wonderful true love could be.
I have been in love with the same person for so long that I can no longer remember anyone else. There has never been anyone else. My life started and will end with this person. Thank you for giving me the love that I didn't even know was missing until you kissed me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

meaningless dribble

i have been feeling down most days. i dont even care if i spelled the title for the post right and i am not going to put anything in upper case letters. i feel like i both have alot to say and nothing to say at the same time. my last post was just because i had to say something about losing a friend. it hurt me that my long time friend could not talk to me. instead they just cut me off. i have been told that i am a good person and the good friends that i do have i have had for a very long time. i dont know how to deal with having someone tell me that i do more harm then good. i just try. if i do something wrong why cant people talk to me. i can listen. i listen all the time. i am sure that some people will come across this blog and just think that i am some girl that likes to wine. well dont we all? i hear people wine all the time. its fine. if you dont believe that something is fair say something because if you dont then you have no reason to wine. speak people. i will try to write more and i will try to be more up beat. but trying and doing are not the same thing. no one changes overnight. i have spent most of my life trying to change and little by little i have. most of the change has been due to the people around me. i have wonderful friends and even if i just lost one that just means that i was wrong about that person. my heart still hurts and i still have to stop myself from calling and asking but i will get better. getting over is not forgetting. it is just learning to live without even if it hurts to do so. so now that i have said nothing. here is a poem. feel free to hate it. i suck at poems anyway lol.

broken hearted
loved in vain
hands empty
eyes full
tears streaming
smile gone
dark places
missing you
wasted years
secrets shared
souls lost
what now
is tomorrow here
will there be
missing me

and yes that can be a poem lol. its messy but its me. enjoy.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I will never understand why people do the things that they do or say the things that they say. I really don't believe that someone could just drop another person like their not even human. Friendships are there to share things with each other. If you don't share the good times and the bad then your not friends. There are friends that you don't share a lot with but those are different kinds of friends. I am talking about close friends. The people that are your family. I have friends that are my family but just today I found out that I didn't even have as many as I thought I did. It's hard when you have called someone family for many years but when shit goes down, they find it easier to just drop you. No words shared, no phone call. Just a cold, heartless text. When there are no feelings behind what has happened then that means that there were no feelings to begin with. You shared your life with this person for nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. You learned something. You found a truth inside the lies. Your heart may be broken, but that is just the proof that you still have one. I guess after today, I will just have to be more on guard with my heart. I know now who is there for me and who is not. And if you can't handle being my friend, then I don't need you. My life will be better now. It will take time to fill back up the hole in my heart, but at least I know that I will be whole again. Do you?
Always talk to people. Always give a reason for what you do. People get hurt when you don't. If your heartless then that's fine, but I have a heart. I love all my friends and my family. Trust that I will never leave you to wonder why. Mostly because, I will never leave you. Hugs and kisses to all. Even though I know that there is only friend that follows me. lol. Extra hug for you Sister Kiki!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The song that I feel like today

Lots of people think of their lives as a soundtrack. Theres a song for every moment. My song today comes from the Glee cast. I know that is very 'teen' of me but some peoples taste in music doesnt grow up. Enjoy!

"What have I done?
I wish I could run away from this ship goin' under
Just tryin' to help, hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders

What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep makin' a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right?
To get it right

Can I start again?
With my faith shaken, 'cause I can't go back and undo this
I just have to stay and face my mistakes
But if I get stronger and wiser, I'll get through this

What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down?
'Cause my best intentions keep makin' a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take for me to get it right?

So I throw up my fist, throw a punch in the air
And accept the truth that sometimes life isn't fair
I'll send out a wish and I'll send up a prayer
And finally someone will see how much I care

What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down?
Oh, my best intentions keep makin' a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take?
Oh, how many times will it take to get it right?
To get it right"

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just want to talk

Most of the time I never know what to say until its too late. I hate that. Sometimes its not until days later. I look up from what I'm doing and say "shit!". I had just thought of something to say to someone from days before. Most of the time I would love to be able to say something right at that moment but I am so bad with words when it is personal. When I am working I can think of a lot of things to say but thats work and its different for everyone. Most people tell me that I should think before I say anything but then they get mad when it takes me a moment. Make up your minds people. I am not a robot that can only do what you want me to do at the moment that you want me to do it. I am a person that is not good with words. If you know me at all then you know this already. I have friends that, just like everything else in life, are better at this then I am. They know who they are. That line of thought always takes me back to the fact that I dont seem to be good at anything. I can work hard and make sure that I am at work on time and sometimes I'm even good at my job but there is really nothing else. I have friends that are good at all the things that people really seem to need: like art, spelling, grammar, reading, writing, math, science, computers, history, or taking care of others. Where is my talent? Where is my "thing" that I should be good at? Doesnt everyone have something? It seems so. I was thinking just the other day about how I keep saying that I want to write. I have always wanted to be a writer. I read books, watch movies, and just think: Why cant I do that? I am starting to believe, something that I really never wanted to, that there are just some people in the world that have nothing. I am sure that if I brought this up with my friend that I would get an ear full but I cant help felling this way. Some people just dont understand what it fells like to have no talent. I have a big binder fill of poems that are just sitting there. I wont do anything with them. I think they all suck. Maybe someday when there is nothing left for me, I will do something with them. That day my never come but until then, I will just talk on here and hope that someone likes what I have to say. If no one does, then thats okay. I am not writing for you anyway. Nothing left. Night!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cheer Up

Everyone has a way to cheer themselves up. Mine is not always the same. Sometimes its a movie, book, a place, or a person. This time it is music. The person I am listening to at the moment is Hilary Duff. I know that I am too old to be a fan of hers, but I just love her music. There are some songs that I don't have, but I have the movies that they are in so I will just watch the movie. Her music always makes me feel better some how. I am sure that we all have something like that. If you think about I am sure that there is just one person that you happen to watch or listen to when you are feeling down. Most of the time I find someone that is younger then me that has done soo much with their life. Its a pick up and a slap in the face at the same time. So I get cheered up and pushed down at the same time. I am never happy lol. I cant sing, dance, act, write, or anything else that anyone could think of, but these people can. I think that it is wonderful that there are people out there that have such wonderful talent and its even better that they share it with us. I am not sure what kind of point I was trying to make. I guess I just felt like talking, but there was no one to talk to. I cant start talking to my cats just yet. I am not that bad yet. A real pick me up song, if you like Hilary Duff, is "I am". Sometimes you cant find it, but if you look for it on youtube you'll find it. Now its back to looking for something to do. Good luck to everyone having a good day. Books! Movies! Music! TV Shows! Driving! Friends! Family! Go Cheer!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Current Thoughts

I spent alot of time thinking about what I would write. I do know that you don't have to know what you want to write, to write. But I have to have an idea before I can even write about my day. I am just silly like that. There has been so much going on lately that I just felt like I really couldn't put it all down. I am only doing this post right now because I really feel like I have to say something. What I am thinking right now is that I really love family. Related or not. Family is family and we all have those people that, even if their not related, we love like family. We feel each others pain and happiness. Everyone I love right now, knows that I love them. But I still feel the need to say it. I love you all and I am here for you. The older I get, the more I see the people around me change. If you don't know me then you need to know that I hate change. Family is always family and friends are always friends. If it works and feels good then it should never change. Right now there is alot going on with my family and I feel helpless. I know that me just being there for them is what they need, but I always feel like there is something that I could be doing to help. I know that theres not, that does not stop the feeling. Seeing and being apart of everything just makes me want to grab everyone I know in one big hug and tell them all that I love them. Even my (related) family. I really don't see them enough. There needs to be more hours in the day. More days in the week. More weeks in a month. And more months in a year. There is just not enough time to show every person that you love, that you love them.

My heart is heavy
My tears come easy
I am weak
But my love is true
And it is just for you

I really hope that all turns out well and I hope that everyone knows what they need to know. Big hugs and kisses to all. Please take care and love each other. You never know what tomorrow brings.